How do you start your alcohol-free journey?

Alyson Premo
The Sober Mom Coach
2 min readNov 10, 2020


How do you start?

You DECIDE that you aren’t going to drink today. That’s it.

I think many of us overcomplicate this alcohol-free journey. We pick a day that we think will be good but then end up drinking on that day. Then we push it off another few days or weeks or months, and before you know it, another year has gone by, and you’re still in the same position you were in when you said you wanted to stop drinking.

Mamas, all you have to do is say, “I’m not drinking today.” I don’t care if that day is a Wednesday, a holiday, or a Sunday. Just pick the damn day and do everything you can to not drink THAT DAY. That’s it.

You’re probably thinking, but Alyson, you make it sound so simple. It is simple, but it’s not easy. But really, that’s the whole point. If it were easy, everyone would be alcohol-free. It’s hard because we’ve been conditioned our whole lives that alcohol is the way to be grown-up, sexy, and fun.

I don’t know about you, but alcohol didn’t make me feel any of those things most of the time.

What might have turned out as using alcohol to have fun with friends turned into one too many and barely remembering how I made it into bed.

And sexy? Alcohol doesn’t make you sexy. What is sexy about duck faces, smeared makeup, falling over, throwing up, cottonmouth, and slurring your words?

What is sexy, though, is glowing skin, waking up with your makeup removed from the night before, drinking water to keep yourself hydrated, remembering how you made it home and being confident in your decision to not drink alcohol.

One of my 1:1 clients in our session last week said that her husband told her that her not drinking was attractive. 😍 How amazing is that? People notice, so don’t think they don’t, especially those closest to you.

If you’re having a hard time just starting, then 1:1 coaching can be just what you need to get this alcohol-free journey STARTED. Accountability and having a judgment-free space to TALK through what’s been holding you back from ditching alcohol for good is, in my opinion, the key to beating this once and for all.

I have TWO spots left for the 30 Day 1:1 Program. First come, first serve! Message me to see if it would be a good fit for you!



Alyson Premo
The Sober Mom Coach

Founder of Sober Mom Tribe and a Certified Recovery/Life Coach aka The Sober Mom Coach